Handy and simple calculator app. Describe your calculations in the notepad-like way and instantly get an accurate answer.MULTI-LINE CALCULATIONSKeep many calculations on one page, use variables, aggregation functions, comments for your convenience.MIX YOUR NOTES AND CALCULATIONSYou can mix regular text with calculations. So you will never get confused about what calculations you made.MATH AND AGGREGATE FUNCTIONSThere are many math functions available to you as well as aggregation functions such as sum, avg and median.PERCENTAGEKalc supports general percentage operations like adding or subtracting percent of value (10$ - 40%) and also additional operations like of, on, off.UNITS CONVERSIONYou can easily convert units such as weight, distance, temperature, angles, etc.CURRENCY CONVERSIONAlso you can convert between currencies as easily as converting between units. We support about 170 currencies.MULTIPLE PAGESIf single page with calculations is not enough for you, you can always add more pages and choose an icon for each to avoid confusion.PREDEFINED COLOR SCHEMESYou can choose one of the color schemes that you like.LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION SUPPORTRotate your device as you like, the app will adjust the interface for portrait or landscape orientation.